Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of Maule, is a biannual electronic publication, edited by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Catholic University of Maule (Chile), defined as a specialized journal on educational topics, of a multidisciplinary nature, which publishes contributions that fall into the category of: articles, documentary reviews, state of the art, reviews, essays and related, both by national and foreign academics and researchers, as well as by undergraduate and graduate students.

It aims to contribute to the strengthening of educational research, and therefore aims to be a regional, national and international forum for the convergence of research on various disciplinary fields, educational levels and modalities; In addition to addressing topics with a long research tradition and those that are emerging, paying special attention to the gaps in educational intellectual production, in order to promote reflection and discussion around diverse theoretical and methodological positions on the problems posed by the educational task, in order to contribute to the dissemination and establishment of quality parameters in the products of educational research.

In Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education, the reader will also find reviews of recent publications on education, interviews with renowned academics, keynote lectures given at national and international events, methodological subsidies; in addition to the results of research by undergraduate and graduate students in the field of education.

The sections included in Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, are the following:

Research articles

Empirical research, documentary reviews and analysis, educational interventions or systematizations of experiences, evaluative or diagnostic studies, methodological subsidies, presentations or communications to conferences, etc. (12 to 20 pages maximum, including bibliographical references, graphs, tables, appendices, etc.).


Reflections on the educational phenomenon that contribute to the reformulation or conceptualization of a problem, topic, or methodology, that are located in the current debate on the topic and handle a pertinent and updated bibliography. (12 to 20 pages maximum, including bibliographical references, graphs, tables, appendices, etc.).

Book reviews

From the educational field or from disciplines whose reflections refer to it (2 to 8 pages maximum).

Scope and editorial policy

Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education, will receive only original and unpublished works. It will be the exclusive responsibility of the authors to safeguard this provision, and the Editorial Committee of Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education, will be responsible only for evaluating the intrinsic quality of the works received through the arbitration systems established for this purpose.


The journal is published every six months, and in the months of June and December of each semester, it will publish the articles received that have completed the entire editorial process. The months of June and December of each year will be the cut-off months for each new issue, that is, at the end of June and at the end of December the issue will be closed with all the articles completed in each of these periods and the compilation and publication of the articles for the following issue will begin immediately.

Convergencia Educativa receives articles throughout the year.

Evaluation Process

Each work received by Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education, for eventual publication, is sent to two referees under the blind review modality. Each referee will receive a copy of the work (without references to authors or affiliation to projects) and the refereeing protocol of the journal. In the case of significant differences in the reports issued, the work will be sent to a third referee. Based on the triangulation of these reports, the Director of the Journal will determine its publication or rejection. In all cases, the author(s) will be informed.

Format Verification

The received works will be verified to ensure that they comply with the format indicated in “Guidelines for Authors”. If this is not the case, the authors will be asked to make the modifications before being sent for evaluation.

Open Access Policy

Publishing in Convergencia Educativa does not impose any costs on authors (Article Processing Charges).

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access (without payment or registration) to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. Submission of manuscripts and publication of accepted articles are free of charge.

By “open access” (OA) to peer-reviewed scientific literature, we mean its free availability on the public Internet, which allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or add a link to the full text of those articles, crawl them for indexing, incorporate them as data into software, or use them for any other legal purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers, other than those that are inseparable from access to the Internet itself. The only limitation on reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright in this area, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

About the software

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is an open source journal management software developed, supported, and distributed for free by the Public Knowledge Project, under a GNU general public license. Visit the PKP website to learn more about the software.

Digital preservation policies

The Convergencia Educativa Journal, through the Open Journal System software, is interested in moving towards a digital preservation process.

For this reason, all articles are published in their digital version in PDF and HTML format, in order to ensure their permanent reading over time, despite the technological changes that may occur.

Each published article is assigned a DOI identifier, managed by Crossref, thus ensuring the permanent location of the content. We are particularly interested in having a unique identifier for researchers, which is why we promote the use of ORCID as a researcher ID.

Principles of Transparency

As a scientific publication, the ethical statements for our journal are based on the texts of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and must be assumed by all parties involved in the act of publication (the author(s), the editor(s), the reviewer(s), the director of the journal and the editorial board).


The intellectual property of the articles belongs to the authors and the rights of editing and publication belong to Convergencia Educativa, Electronic Journal of Education. The articles published in the journal may be freely used for educational, academic and research purposes, as long as they are correctly cited.

Upon receipt of the articles, editors and evaluators are free to suggest partial modifications to their content, without affecting the meaning of the author's arguments. After the acceptance of the articles for publication, the Convergencia Educativa Journal is free to reproduce the content for the purposes of dissemination in print and/or digital form, duly indicating the authors. The authors of each article will maintain the intellectual property and the rights recognized by law.

The submission and evaluation of material received by the Convergencia Educativa Journal assumes that the authors know and accept the following conditions:

  • The authors will retain their copyright and will assign to the journal the right of first publication of the work, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which allows third parties to use the published material as long as they make reference to the author or authors of the work and its publication in this journal.
  • If the authors mix, transform or create new material from this work, they may distribute their contribution as long as they use the same license as the original work.
  • The authors expressly release the Catholic University of Maule from any liability for any legal, contractual or regulatory infringement that it may commit or have committed in relation to the work, and undertake to compensate the institution for any damage resulting from the infringement of the aforementioned rights.
  • Authors are permitted and encouraged to disseminate their work through the Internet (e.g., in institutional electronic archives, repositories, libraries, or on their website), which may produce interesting exchanges and increase the citations of the published work.


The Convergencia Educativa Journal uses the anti-plagiarism program Compilatio to guarantee the originality of the submitted works.