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Manuscript form and preparation

1. General considerations
1.1. The texts must be written in Spanish, English and/or Portuguese, developed in Word format, letter size. 1.2. The title of the work must appear on the first page in Spanish, English and/or Portuguese, followed by the name and surname of the author(s), institution to which they belong, telephone numbers and email address. 1.3. The title of the collaboration must represent the content of the article and allow the reader to situate themselves in the specific context that it addresses. The translation into English must also be included, in the case of texts in Spanish and Portuguese. Texts written in English must include the translation of the title into Spanish. 1.4. If the work has been sponsored or funded by an institution, this must be indicated in the footnote. Likewise, articles derived from a postgraduate thesis project must indicate the name of the respective thesis, author(s), as well as the guiding professor. 1.5. Articles must include an abstract of no more than 250 words, plus 3 to 5 keywords. Both the abstract and the keywords must be translated into English, in the case of texts in Spanish or Portuguese. Texts in English must contain the abstract and keywords translated into Spanish. 1.6. The length of the work must fluctuate between 12 and 20 pages maximum, in the case of articles, including bibliographical references, graphs, tables, appendices, and others. Interviews and conferences do not have a minimum or maximum length. Reviews must fluctuate between 3 and 8 pages. 1.7. The font must be Times New Roman or Arial size 12, using one and a half line spacing, with a margin of 3 cms. on each justified side. 2. Considerations regarding the text 2.1. If the article is subdivided into sections or subsections, the titles must be in bold and preceded by decimal numbers, starting with 1., followed by 1.1. or 2, as appropriate. 2.2.The line that starts a new paragraph must be indented five spaces on the left margin. A paragraph that follows a title or subtitle must not be indented on its first line. 2.3. Footnotes will be used, preferably, to make comments or add information that allows to broaden the perspective of what is referred to in the body of the article. There is no limit to the number of footnotes, as long as they comply with the requirements. Bibliographic references should not be included as notes, since these must appear in the list at the end of the article. 2.4. All tables or graphs included in the document must have exactly the same format. 2.5. If images are attached, they must be in high-resolution jpg, tiff, png and/or gif format. 2.6. The pages or folios of the document sent must not include text in the headers. 3. Considerations regarding the citation 3.1. For non-textual or general reference citations, the surname and the year will be indicated in parentheses; for example: (Morin, 2006). If it is a source with two authors, the following example will be used: (Maturana and Varela 1984). In the case of a source with more than three authors, the following will be used: (Marchesi et al. 2001). If the citation comes from an indirect source, the following example will be used: (Cit. in Touraine 2006, p. 47). 3.2. Textual citations (in which italics will not be used, unless it is found in the original text) will be presented as follows. When the citations do not exceed four lines, they will be in quotation marks and incorporated into the paragraph. Quotations of more than four lines will be in a separate and exclusive paragraph, indented at 10 spaces and without quotation marks. At the end of each type of citation, the surname, year and page number should be indicated in parentheses; for example: (Morin, 2006, p. 63). If it is a source with two authors, the following example should be used: (Maturana and Varela 1984, p. 73). In the case of a source with more than three authors, the following should be used: (Marchesi et al. 2001, p. 98). If the citation comes from an indirect source, the following example should be used: (Cit. in Touraine 2006, p. 47). 3.3. Only if the author(s) and the year have been clearly specified before introducing the citation, then only the page number should be indicated. In the case of the citation coming from the Internet, the surname should be followed by “online” (the specific electronic address will be indicated within the list of cited works). 3.4. The citation must be completely consistent with the original text, even reproducing any expressive singularities that it may contain, in which case, next to the corresponding word or expression, it must be written in parentheses sic. 3.5.The exclusion or omission of any part of the original text (whether it is one or more words) will be noted in the citation by placing three ellipses in the appropriate place. Likewise, words or expressions that are not in the original text and need to be introduced will be placed in brackets, either to facilitate the fluidity of the reading or to contextualize an expression or content that could be misleading. 3.6. In accordance with APA standards, a list of the cited works will be presented at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically according to the first surname of the main author. If two or more works by the same author are cited in the article, they will be ordered chronologically, putting the most recent first (and writing the surname only in this one; in the other entries a line will be written). If the year of publication is the same, they will be differentiated by adding a letter after it (a, b, c). 3.7. The bibliographical references will be drawn up according to the following criteria:
Complete book by a single author Last name, comma, initial of first name, period, year of publication in parentheses, period, title of book in italics, period, publisher, period.
Example García, R. (2000). Knowledge under construction. From Jean Piaget's formulations to the theory of complex systems. Gedisa.
Book chapter The author will be indicated, following the previous order. After the year, the name of the chapter will be indicated (without quotation marks or italics). Next, and after a period, “In” will be written, adding the initial and surname (the latter in capital letters) of the editor or compiler of the book. After a comma, the title of the book will be written in italics, adding in parentheses the initial and final pages of the chapter (both joined by a hyphen).
Example Prigogine, I. (1998). Resonances and domains of knowledge. In M. Elkaïm, Family therapy in transformation (pp.183-188). Paidós.
Journal article After the year of publication, a period will be placed, followed by the title of the article (without quotation marks or italics). After a period, the name of the journal will be indicated in italics. After a comma, the number of the journal will be indicated, and after another comma, the initial and final pages of the article (both joined by a hyphen).
Example Villalta, M. (2009) Análisis de la conciencia: una presupuesto para el estudio de la reacción didáctica en aula de clase. Estudios pedagógicos, 35 (1), 221-238.
Electronic documents In general, the procedure is similar to that indicated above, incorporating the electronic address at the end of each reference.
Example Fredrickson, B. L. (2000). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 001a. http://journals.apa.org/prevention/volume3/ pre030001a.html

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All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format valid for version 2003, in which it is not possible to identify the authors of the same and using the "Template" of the journal
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation for this has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • Wherever possible, URLs for references are provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; 12-point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Author identification is provided in the metadata. And I have downloaded and completed the "Key Data" document with all the information for the lead author and co-authors. (Send this document along with the article) which reflects all the authors' data, full names, academic affiliations, country, ORCID and email addresses.